Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cough.. Cough... Blech!!!!

Argh this has been one of the worst weeks ever. I’ve been hit with all kinds of nasty germ-like substance the past days.. My eyes are red and watery, my nose is reminiscent of Rudolf the Reindeer, my throat feels like sand paper, my chest has this 10ton something stuck in it and every part of my body has some sort of ache emanating from it.

I’m a walking junkie with 10 different cough, cold, throat, allergy medicines in my system. I’ve waded through boxes of Kleenex, Puffs with lotion, Puffs with Vicks and I’m still not better AND IT SNOWED YESTERDAY!!! I hate this feeling….i hate this weather.. I want my bed.


d_d_d said...

hope you get well soon

shweepea16 said...

thanks my dear.. it's getting better, hopefully it'll be done real soon.. i'm getting tired of this cold. =/